"Shards of Reality"
By Jinx&Jedi
Chapter Four
December 8.
Snow falls on the silent forest, while the moon shines
through a break in the clouds. The world sleeps as the silent snow falls
delicately on the countryside.
The Former Warlord of Corruption, Cale, nervously presses
himself into the deep shadows. Since the assault had succeeded, his enemies
had been making hit and fade attacks.
Maybe they had given up after hed made it to the
Mortal World, though its very unlikely.
His left arm is beginning to tire. Cale shifts his burden
a little, trying not to wake the child. He pulls his cape up and tucks it
around the child to keep him warm. The little boy murmurs in his sleep, but
otherwise doesnt stir.
Cale shakes his head in mute wonderment. The child had
only been a few months old when hed last been around Cale, but he still
remembered the Warlord.
Good thing for telepathically enhanced memories,
Cale thinks, stroking the childs dark red hair with his fingertips.
He leaves the safety of the shadows and sets off again.
His armor makes no footprints in the snow, nor does it make as much noise
as the other armors did as he moved.
Finally the lights of the mansion become visible. Cale
sprints and quickly closes the distance between forest and house.
He sheds his armor, except for his cape, and pounds
on the door to the kitchen.
Theres the subtle noise of movement inside, then
Mia Koji is looking out the window in the door at him. She reaches up to
turn the porch light on.
"No!" Cale whispers harshly, shaking his head emphatically.
Mias hand drops from the switch and she opens
the door for him. He rushes inside and pulls the curtain on the door closed.
"Turn the lights out!" Cale orders, turning the light
over the sink out.
"Cale?" Mia demands, insulted at his gall. "What are
you doing?! You come into my house-!"
Cale shrugs off his cape, revealing his burden. Mia
"If they find him theyll take him back!" Cale
says gruffly, holding the little boy closer to him. The little boy begins
to stir.
"I - Is that...?!"
"Unca Cale?" a small voice asks drowsily. "Are we there
Cale rests his face in the childs hair, kissing
the top of the childs head a little awkwardly. "Yes, Saen. Were
there... were safe."
The little boy looks up, his features pale from lack
of sleep. He looks at Mia and blinks his dark green eyes.
Cale puts him down, and kneels so he can look the little
boy in the face. "Now, Im going to leave you here, Saen. Those bad
people are looking for you. You be good for Miss. Koji, shes going
to take care of you."
Mia doesnt even register that Cale had essentially
dumped Anubiss youngest child with her. She finds herself kneeling
down to his level. Oh my God, he looks like his father!
Saen looks at her, his small features softer than his
fathers, and possessed of a strange beauty. Otherwise, his face was
Anubiss. He has the same slanted eyes, the nose smaller and not quite
as sharp. He yawns sleepily, turning right into her with a hug; resting his
head on her chest.
Mia stares at him in shock for a moment and then wraps
her arms around him. His small hands grip her nightgown lightly as she picks
him up. "Cale, how old is he?" Mia asks softly, settling Saen on her hip.
Saen was well on his way back to sleep, trusting her unconditionally.
Cale gets to his feet and leans against the doorjamb.
"Five, I think. I could be wrong."
Mia pulls the boots off Saens feet and carefully
shucks his coat. Cale had found some child-sized clothes over in Netherworld
warm enough to get him here.
Saen murmurs softly and sighs as he falls asleep. Cale
smiles once more and brushes the childs downy hair with his hand, then
teleports back to Netherworld.
It was warm. She could feel warm sunlight falling
on her cheek, and a cool breeze from an open window stirring her hair.
An ancient traditional melody rises to her mind. She
hums it, somehow not surprised she can remember the sound of humming and
the right notes. She opens her eyes and smiles up at the ceiling.
"Good morning."
She sits up and looks at the red-haired man at the foot
of her bed, not quite realizing that she heard his words.
"Hi," Rahne greets. She stretches luxuriously, and runs
her hands through her hair.
"I hope you had a good nights sleep."
She smiles at him, and nods. "It was good sleeping weather
last night."
The man returns her smile, then his expression turns
sad. "I came to say good-bye."
"Good-bye?" she asks, feeling confusion setting in.
The man nods and sits on the edge of her bed. "I cant
hold out any longer. My spirit is slowly being pulled away. Even now, this
is the only way I could find to talk to you..."
She blinks and looks to her nightstand. Her armor crystal
gleams back at her the kanji of Hope. But now she realizes whats going
on... "Guardian?"
He smiles and brushes the hair away from her face. "Yes,
Rahne. I was hoping youd recognize me."
Rahne looks at him in disbelief. "Youre Anubis!
Mia has a picture of you in her room!!"
"Im glad shes still..." Anubis smiles at
her and sighs wistfully, letting the thought trail off. "Rahne, please. Can
you find my daughter?"
Rahne nods, "Ill try."
Anubis reaches out and brushes a hand down her cheek
once more. "Thats all I can ask. You have a brave soul, like your brother.
Be strong for me."
"Ill try... Anubis, Thank you." She whispers,
as the dream slowly breaks apart like clouds after a rainstorm.
Rahne awakens and pulls into a fetal position in the
airplane seat. She cries silently into the seat.
Yet again, someone had been taken from her. With a pang
almost physical, she realizes that its incredibly shallow of her to
think like that... Especially since he gave up his beloved.
"(Rahne? Cye? Zat you?)"
Cye sits up with a yawn, and pats her shoulder with
a gentle hand. "Yeah, Alex," he murmurs, buttoning his jacket.
December 10. Toyama High.
Cye grins and leaps around his opponent. He shoots.
The ball sails neatly over Ryos head and into the hoop.
"Damn it," Ryo mutters, grabbing the ball as it rebounds.
So far the Shirts and Skins game was gong more like
a slapstick comedy than a actual basketball game.
Rowen laughs in a rapid fashion that sounded more like
a staccato giggle and scuds after Ryo, trying to pilfer the ball.
Ryo gives Cye a look of disgust as he flies past. Leave
it to the English Brat to bring Rowen back a couple pounds of the homemade
sugar-buzz called Mackinaw Island Fudge.
He had eaten half a pound of it for lunch today! He
was acting like he was on drugs, he was so hyper.
Ryo swings around as he tries to get around Rowen; his
elbow colliding solidly with the blue-haired boys gut.
Rowen goes down and starts giggling. It eventually becomes
a silent laugh that looked more like a convulsion. He rolls over, and rises
into a sort of kneeling position, but lets himself go back down as he sees
the look on Ryos face.
"Knock it off, Ro," the black-haired boy growls,
stomping at Rowen. Tears pour from his eyes as he climbs to his feet.
Alex groans, running his hands through his hair and
turning around so as not to see his teammates antics.
From the other side of the gym, Sage shakes his head
and rolls his eyes. He looks back to the wrestling mat, absently fidgeting
with the ice pack that was resting on his knee. Kento was going up against
one of the other guys in school. The other boy was as tall as Kento and not
as muscular.
He knew it too.
Kento smiled wolfishly, and grabbed him. The other boy
struggled madly, but it was over. Kento turns him around, slams him to the
mat, and neatly pins him.
Sage chuckles and winks towards the gym door where a
Chinese-looking girl was watching the match. Kentos girlfriend returns
the wink and then points to Sage, her face concerned. He points at the ice
pack and shakes his head. He makes a horizontal sliding clap with his hands
and then pats his knee.
The girl shakes her head and then says slowly in sign
language. ~ Dummy, you are not supposed to do that! ~
Sage ducks his head and shouts, "Hai. But it was a nice
trip, Danie."
At the sound of his girlfriends name, Kento gets
up and crosses the mat to talk to her. Sage carefully gets to his feet and
"Hey," Kento says softly, bending a little to kiss her.
"Like that match?"
As they break the kiss, Danie gets a funny look on her
face, and then says sarcastically. "Oh, yes... spandex looks sooo good on
Kento, in response, snaps the shoulder straps of his
American-style wrestling uniform against his chest and strikes a muscle pose.
Sage snickers and then peels off the knee sized Band-Aid
to show her what he did. Danie winces and kneels to look at the scrape.
"Whos the Einstein who gave you this?" Danie asks
sardonically, thumbing over to the basketball court where the others are
playing. At that moment, Rowen starts giggling again as he trips on his own
shoe-laces. "Oops. My bad. Rahnes gonna love that."
Sage shrugs. "He didnt mean to." Kento leans over
and kisses her again. "Umm, Ill leave you two alone now."
He jogs back in and over to the game to relieve Alex,
who was getting severely teased at the moment from a gaggle of girls at the
door on that side of the gym.
">- Awww, getting tired, fire-top? - Wimp-y!
- HAHAHA - Hes such a cutie...! - ...wonder if hes single? *giggles*
- Hey, skinny butt! - Red hair! - Soooo kewl!!<"
"Hey ladies, what part of Boys Gym
dont you understand? Get a move on," Sage states gruffly, ushering
them out and shutting the gym doors. Sage ruffles Alexs fiery hair
and shoves him gently toward the bleachers. He was still healing from the
physical injuries and the malnutrition, and thus tired quickly.
They switch team members so Cye and Sage are on one
team and Ryo and Rowen are on another. "Thanks, Sage," Alex murmurs quietly
and sits down.
"No prob, Ogre."
Alex sighs and draws his slightly scrawny-looking legs
up to his chest. "I wish I was."
Sage sighs and steals the ball from Rowen. Alex didnt
see it yet, but he was slowly developing a dancers body, thanks to
a certain deaf girl.
"Hey, Ogre! Sing something from Phantom for us!"
Cye shouted, covering Sage as he drives in for the basket.
"Yeah!!" Ryo agrees, swiping at the ball. Sage rapidly
turns out of he way, sticking his tongue out at the black haired boy in jest.
Alex takes a deep breath and sings. "Bravi, bravi,
Ryo grins and chases after Sage. Mia would love to hear
him sing like that!! She was nuts about him singing in choir and being in
"HENTAI!!" Sage howls as Rowen yanks his shorts down,
revealing bright green briefs. Sage grabs his shorts and yanks them back
up, the ball forgotten.
"Look at your face in the mirror in the mirror -
/I am there inside!" Alex sings, ignoring them.
Ryo laughs and grabs the runaway ball. Alex was singing
away, totally ignoring them. So far his voice hadnt even cracked once.
bellows, charging after Rowen.
"I am your Angel... /Come to me: Angel of Music..."
Alex sings, shutting his eyes to maintain a poker face.
Rowen laughs and makes it across the gym before Sage
can take three steps. Sage, totally oblivious to this fact chases after him
with murder on his mind.
"I guess thats the game, huh?" Cye asks, catching
Ryos pass and tucking the ball under his arm.
Alex shrugs, still singing, and looks up at the ceiling.
"Sing once again with me/our strange duet . . ."
Ryo smirks, "Depends if Sage catches Rowen before the
period ends."
"YOU ASSHOLE!! YOU ARE SICK!!" Sage screams in fury,
now wielding a badminton racket to hit Rowen with if he did manage to catch
him. "HENTAI!!"
Alex rolls his eyes and gives up singing, his face a
little red.
"So is that what Rahne looked like when she chased you
with the razor?" Ryo asks comically, sitting next to Alex on the bleachers.
"Nah, she looked downright evil..." Cye answers with
a smirk, uncapping his water bottle.
Danie pulls her sweater tighter and shivers.
Shed promised her best friend that shed wait for her, before
heading to the next bus to go meet the new exchange students for this year.
The bus finally pulls up to the curb, and Rahne gets
off. Without her coat.
"Hey, Danie!" she greets brightly, sweeping her long
hair from her face.
"Hey." Danie says with a shiver. "God, dont you
ever get cold?"
"Nani?! Of course I do! I was in a hurry and forgot
it here!" Rahne retorts a little perturbed.
"No sense, no feeling..." Danie mutters, her accent
stronger with her annoyance, and hauls her friend inside.
"It runs in the family," Rahne answers simply with her
trademark smile.
Danie sighs, rolling her eyes. "It would for
you, wouldnt it?"
Rahne beams and stops at her locker and rapidly spins
the dial of the combination lock. She opens it, throws her books in, and
grabs her coat.
Together they run out to the waiting bus, and flop down
in a seat. They giggle and start talking in sign language about their boyfriends.
Finally the bus pulls out and theyre on their
way to the college.
It had been a surprise for Rahne to learn that her best
friend knew Kento. It had been even an even bigger one when Kento and Danie
had started going out together.
Rahne had known Danie for years, and theyd quickly
learned how much fun it was to bug people with her accent. Danie was Scottish
on her fathers side, and Chinese by her mothers. This was going
to be interesting to see what the exchange students reaction was going
to be to hear her speak.
Soon, the bus pulls up to the curb in front of Toyama
University. When Rahne sees what building theyre headed towards, she
breaks away from Danie with a grin.
Danie quickly runs to catch up with the others to distract
them from what she knew Rahne was going to do.
Rahne steps behind an arch, and summons her sub-armor.
She catches Danies grin and leaps to Mias office window. Mias
inside reading some papers.
Rahne presses her face to the glass and makes a face
against the window.
Mia turns around and jumps in surprise. Then with a
mock angry look, she shakes her fist at the younger girl.
Rahne backflips down with a grin and banishes her sub-armor.
It takes her only a decent run to catch up with Danie.
"You are nuts, Bliz. You know that? You are nuts!"
Danie hisses as Rahne spins a ecstatic pirouette.
"Sorry! I had to do it!" Rahne giggles.
The student they were expected to show around was a
blonde haired girl. Shes the same age as they are and about Rahnes
"Sharra Roarke?" Danie asks shoving Rahne playfully.
"Yep. Hi." The girl stared at them strangely for a moment,
then laughed. "I take it shes the nut you wrote me about?"
Rahne shoves Danie playfully out of her way and grins,
offering her hand for a hand shake. "Hi, Im Sanada Rahne!!"
Sharra shakes and then bows. Rahne smiles in delight
and returns the bow.
"This is sooooo cool!" Rahne laughs, ecstatic that she
may have another friend. Being deaf set her apart from many of the others
at school. And being different meant few friends.
Together they walk out to the bus.
Halfway there, Rahne stops and looks over her shoulder.
Every nerve in her body was screaming that danger was
near. It feels as if a dark shroud was hovering just beyond the range of
her sight...
At the same time over at Toyama High School, Ryo turns
as a shiver not borne of cold travels down his spine.
Something was approaching...
To be continued...
Okay, first off, wed like to Thank She-Ronin for the character Sharra, all the help shes given us with ideas for this fic, and for solving the boxers vs briefs debate! LOL Next, the warning: DONT LET JEDI WRITE WHEN SHES BUZZED ON CAFFEINE AND CHOCOLATE! Disclaimer: All copyrighted material is property of their respective owners.
The Authoresses:
Jinx & Jedi :-)